Monday, 22 July 2013

37th day Diekirch to Spontin (near Yvoir)

Distance: 141km
Total: 3479km

Last evening one of dutch was talking about rain and I realized I haven't seen rain for over 2 weeks, last time that I can recall is in Linz, Austria. Morning was actually nicely chilly in tent, thanks to deep shadow, it was not in sunshine as I found out pretty quick when pedaling action of day started.

Now starts the interesting part as I drop out my 23 year old map, and have to navigate couple days without own physical map. So kinda picked easy solution; as I'm headed for near Brussels, I took the big road quite directly towards it. Now these bigger roads don't really go around river, but go over hills all the time - so not really any flat riding today.

First took road 15 in Luxembourg, and it was right away 10km up up up, 5km down, 10km up. On Belgian side everything seemed much poorer, but the landscape started slowly flatten out, which lasted rest of the day. Bastogne was first town on Belgian side on Ardennes area, you might have heard that name if you read history of world wars and this history showed up in Bastogne. There were museums, monuments and a american tank on central square (think it was M4 Sherman, not sure as there's many similar models).

Next 65-70km was on double carriageway, and it was so hot - even though temperature peaked only +27°C - and quite smooth going in light traffic. Stopped in Marche and tried to get some info from tourist info center - these places usually don't have info I'm looking for as their world ends on local area border and they are clueless about what's beyond. Info center kinda understood this problem and also knew to tell me that there's basically no cycling routes for long range tourers as every town makes cycling routes around their town and are unable to cooperate with other towns to create connecting routes. Well, whole Belgium is basically divided by 3 big groups and getting things like prime minister takes time - world record here.

Found camping site in Spontin as expected. It's a small one next field full of cows. And there's quite a party as tomorrow Belgium is going to get a new king - I think. Tomorrow journey continues, hopefully along smaller roads.

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