Thursday, 18 July 2013

34th day Kehl to Heming

Distance: 118km
Total: 3077km

Night was much warmer than the nights before, must be the lower altitude. The morning's best hours (for driving) were used touristing Strasbourg and then getting out of city, which wasn't that hard after finding channel and bike routes along it. Also something rare happened, I got to speak finnish face to face with someone, last time this happened in Lithuania! There was another finnish speaking cyclist, who lives in New Castle (UK).

Most of the kilometers today were done driving next to this channel connecting Rhein and Manre rivers and the channel really went high in the end. There was plenty of boats for slow cruising and relaxation sailing on channel, many with people taking sunbath on the upper deck.

Visited small town of Saverne, where I found coop supermarket in one of old buildings that were built in old fashion very tightly on the sides of narrow streets. Unfortunately supermarket was closed for 2 hours middle of the day - seems they have siesta in effect here. Well bought 2 apples, that I later found out were apricots, but very tasty, and bought sandwich from a stand on the marketplace. Talking about marketplaces, French seem to like them with fountain and carousel.

Somehow managed to lose the channel as it entered something called 'plan incline' - which seemed to be some major boat lifting method. And yeah, how one loses a channel... well it just happened. Prolly something to do again with my stubbornness. Made a lot extra kilometers trying to navigate in the right direction, and my 1:750000 map published 23 years ago wasn't much of help.

As being lost had problems advancing and reaching my planned campsite, and was pretty worried as it was getting late also and road 995 seemed to head middle of nowhere next. But baang, there's self made campsite sign on side of the road and campsite couple kilometers away from the main road.

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