Distance: 150km
Total: 2482km
How to locate a campsite; put it next to highway - check, put it next to railway - check, put it where planes down for landing on nearby airport - check. All 3 checks applied to the last night's campsite and as a result - I had bad night.
Was on move earlier than usual and morning chill is awesome to drive in. As had pretty much nothing to eat decided to grab something from next little shop along the way. Wrong! The world is different today - it's Austria today, no more small shops everywhere. Kept looking around for one while driving to Haslau for ferry... boat ride to other side of Danube. Had to call the boat from other side of river with number provided in a sign. Boat came about 10 minutes to my shore that was a muddy havoc created by the flood, got the bike lifted on board. Was short but interesting ride on river flowing so rapidly.
On the other side was nature reserve full of water and all kinds of things brought by the flood - the eurovelo went on top of the flood barrier and gave some excellent views to the messed up lands below. While driving towards Wien met a Slovakian guy traveling in the same direction, chatted about various things during the 20km ride together.
Wien was another big city with a lot buildings and traffic, nothing particularly interesting - well maybe the Europe's largest oil refinery. There was plenty of ice cream stands, beer tents and expensive restaurants - both on land and on ships anchored on shore 'permanently'. About 15km after Wien and 60km of day saw something resembling a general store with food. It turned out to be some fancy shop selling fancy stuff - including fancy food, bought some fancy 'make chips' and fancy carbonated juice (wouldn't call it lemonade). Enjoyed my filling breakfast of these 2 items around 1pm.
Somehow not being totally satisfied made little adventure off eurovelo to find a proper food store. Found one on 75km mark and finally got decent breakfast. This made me look for way back to Danube for next 10 kilometers. Awesome to try navigate without a map... Danube must be in direction where water flows, right? Maybe, but roads don't always follow this awesome sense of direction.
Rest of the day was pretty nice riding along Danube with some nice sights - shame phone/camera battery was dead so no pictures. Campsites are always there when you don't need them, but when you need one, none to be found. I was pretty confident on landing on campsite as there was one every 10km most of the day - and then last 40km - none. Also the river had gone now to a pretty sharp valley, which kind of killed the chances of finding stealth camping place. Was reading some info table on information point thingy, which was of course in German, but figured out the accommodation prices; 70-150 hotels, 30-60 for pensions (a lot variance though here) and 20-25 for these zimmer things. Not really knowing what the summer thing is, just went in one to few to find out; first one had some old woman shouting from window in German, think it was something like 'go away foreigner'. In second one, didn't meet anyone, but it had offensive seeming German text along with lolcat with a gun. From third one I got a room, no much common language was found, but think I got the basics - at least price was 23€. Word breakfast appeared once, but let's see what morning will bring...
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