Friday, 19 July 2013

35th day Heming to Thionville

Distance: 139km
Total: 3216km

It was another warm night, and rather warm morning also. First 90km of the day on road 995 can be summarized in three things; hot, rolling hills, farmland. Not really much to see unless you like watching endless golden wheat fields with some green ones here and there. Last 20km to Metz was on very lightly trafficked motorway.

Metz was again a bigger city, had not much clue about layout, but rough plan was to find Moselle and move northwards along it, while turisting stuff best I can - and get something french cuisine to try. Made it to the river, not the most direct route, but not majorly lost either. Food was no avail, as restaurants had closed their breakfast things and gone siesta until 18. So just took break in one of parks and snacked.

Got out of the city along some smaller roads and found a channel with cycling route after a while and cycled it down to Thionville, where municipal campsite is right next to riverside walking boulevard. My tent is right next to the boulevard with only fence between - let's see is this sleepable spot.

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