Saturday, 6 July 2013

20th day Nagymaros to Gyor

Distance: 120km
Total: 2214km

Day started as usual with tent warming up, this time though there was background 'music' coming from nearby railway, which seemed to have plenty of traffic. Decided to make it a easier than two last days - and driving eurovelo 6 along the Danube (no hills) should work with this plan. Also there's quite a few camping sites on the way, so no stress about them.

After under 2 kilometer drive from campsite was ferry crossing and eurovelo 6 seemed to cross here, so let's get over. Stream was pretty strong as Danube was still bit flooding, the ferry had to keep adjusting all the time when it was being loaded in strong stream. Along the same ferry came German supported cycling group of elderly people to the opposite direction.

Eurovelo was pretty messy when going near Danube, but there was very good parts also - like cycling highway. There indeed was loads and loads of other cyclists of different kinds - at least if we compare to earlier parts of  trip.

There was a castle in Esztergom called Bazilika with the biggest catholic church in Hungary within it. Much of the eurovelo went along the general road after Esztergom, which was lightly trafficked though. Some confusion was caused by eurovelo sign to follow the road and next to it sign forbidding the use of road by bicycles.

Ate snack hamburger in Sutto and continued the hot journey as temperature had risen around +30°C. After Komarom eurovelo took odd turn off the Danube, followed it while until it became mud/dirt track in forest and just gave up and took proper road (road 1). Road 1 had also no bicycles signs, but there I went. There was not much traffic, although there was quite some cyclists on it.

Found campsite bit before Gyor, clock wasn't much but decided to just take it as had good 120km under the belt. Its rather small campsite without Wi-Fi, but it has swimming pool, which came handy for cooling down. On downside there's a lot mosquitoes and Hungarian 'pusta' is hard to get pegs stay in ground properly - hope it won't storm at the night.

Had some discussions with German guy who was working in the area and later with dutch couple with camper,  who also offered a drink. Apparently the small planes flying at evenings on low altitudes are spreading some anti-mosquito gas to kill mosquito plaque in the river valley.

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