Saturday, 15 June 2013

1st day Tallinn to Raikkula

Distance: 75km (driving in Rovaniemi to railway station and Helsinki driving included)
Total: 75km

Took a night train to Helsinki which took bit over 13 hours (train being late) and morning ferry to Tallinn. Mood on the ferry was first high and ppl enjoying some drinks, mood changed soon as sea became rough and mood became apatic as crew were supplying ppl with plastic bags, despite crew's efforts there was vomit on the floors soon. Met couple nice Japanese girls on board, though missing common language discussion didn't get too far.
Cycled through the old town in Tallinn and weather had became sunny after rainy Helsinki. Good weather was not to last though and it started to rain as I was getting out of Tallinn. Rain was fairly warm though and driving got me just wet, but not cold. Cold was to come only during the breaks which thus were pretty few today.
Despite my efforts to find a camping ground nearby Rapla, I was unable to find one and settled with so called stealth camp site about 10km south of Rapla. As I got my tent settled up, skies broke and sun came out - good timing again, at least I get to try to dry my wet clothes. And dinner a la carte was meatballs in rakettispagetti with some spices, also ate tortilla in Tallinn's old town. By the way it comes actually dark in the night here in south :o

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